Episode 24 – ‘Energy’

29 November 2022

we will be focused on energy as well the situations when energy is difficult and causes fatigue. We will be exploring lots of different tools and techniques to manage energy levels, and also talk about some conditions like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.  

Accepting the reality of your life sounds like it should be easy enough. But many, many people hold to their own version of reality. It may be based in regret, disappointment, denial,  


  1. Accept yourself. 

For most of us, self-acceptance can be hard. Acceptance is the ability to unconditionally value all parts of who you are. That means you acknowledge all of yourself–the good and the things that need improvement. We tend to be critical of ourselves, but there are a number of ways to learn to accept yourself and your life. It all begins with your state of mind. 


  1. Acknowledge your reality. 

Sometimes facing reality isn’t the easiest thing to do, but accepting your current situation can make you happier in the present and lead to a better future. Understanding, accepting, and working with reality is both practical and purposeful. Acknowledging your reality will help you choose your dreams wisely and then help you achieve them. 


  1. Practise radical honesty. 

When you can admit your own pretence, you can begin to powerfully create a new future. Denying your current reality–especially if it’s a bad one–will not make it make it go away. Dealing with the bad stuff is a way to get to the good stuff–but it takes practice, practice, practice. 


  1. Identify your part. 

To fully accept your reality, it’s important to acknowledge any role you may have played, good or bad, in getting where you are. Ask yourself questions related to your current situation to help work toward solutions. To fully accept your reality, it is important to identify what you may have done to foster success or failure. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can work toward the best next steps. 


  1. Admit your mistakes. 

Remember that you can’t fix anything until you admit there’s a problem. Try to view your mistakes not as failures but as learning opportunities, and have the strength within to realise you control your reality and you’re the only one who can change it. Decide what’s important to you and set your mind to it. 

It is common to hear people saying that you’ll catch up on sleep later or that the alarm seems to go off earlier and earlier every morning? And then I heard that people find it hard to keep your eyes open in the middle of the day? 

Unfortunately, busy schedules, commitments, and the general stress of life can often make it hard to get enough sleep. If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Accordingly to research 1 in 3 adults don’t get the sleep they need each night. 

5 things that can’t happen if you are over tired: 


  1. Too tired to sleep 
  1. Impaired ability to think clearly 
  1. Restlessness and anxiety 
  1. Mood swings 
  1. Difficulty in Decision making 


There are many symptoms  

lightheaded, dizzy, weak, or faint 


Symptoms of ME/CFS 

  1. feeling extremely tired all the time – you may find it very hard to do daily activities. 
  1. still feeling tired after resting or sleeping. 
  1. taking a long time to recover after physical activity. 
  1. problems sleeping, such as waking up often during the night. 
  1. problems with thinking, memory and concentration. 


  1. Own your outcomes. 

Work toward owning every part of your reality–not just the things that need work but also your strengths and successes. Owning all your outcomes can help teach you to do better next time, to see failure as a learning moment. 


  1. Don’t let fear get in your way. 

Don’t let fears–especially fears of what others think of you–stand in your way. You must be willing to do things in the unique ways you think are best, and to reflect on any feedback you receive. 


  1. Count on your competencies. 

It’s easy to look in the mirror and point out all your insecurities. But to face your reality, it’s best to start counting all positives. Make a list of your strengths, the things you are good at, the values that you hold, and the accomplishments you’ve achieved. Counting on your competencies helps you realise your strengths, which in turn will help you improve your attitude toward yourself. 


  1. Let go of your biases. 

Don’t get caught up in the life you think you are supposed to have, but work on creating the reality you are meant to live. Your biases can blind you to almost any reality. You can try to ignore them, but closing your eyes won’t make them disappear. Instead, learn to understand them and let them go. 


  1. Accept that struggle will always be part of your reality. 

Don’t shy away from challenges, but rather wade into the struggle and get comfortable with operating and living there. Struggles are a way of life, and we have to learn to confront them. And you never know–something the most challenging things can hold the greatest opportunity for success. 


  1. Make a plan for reaching your goal. 

Include steps you will take to create a new reality. Break your goal into small steps that you can accomplish one at a time to build your confidence and self-worth as you go. Your new reality can begin to happen once you have a plan with specific goals. 


Remember, you will never be able to create the right reality if you aren’t willing to let the wrong reality go. 

Journaling has long been recognised as an effective way to reduce stress, help with depression and anxiety, focus your mind, and organise your life. It can be a great tool to use for meditation, to open up, and let go of things that bother you. 

Journaling can help you in the following ways. 

  • Achieve goals 
  • Track progress and growth 
  • Gain self-confidence 
  • Improve writing and communication skills 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety 
  • Find inspiration 
  • Strengthen memory 
  • Stream of consciousness 

Making journaling a habit. The only way to reap all the rewards that come with journaling is to be consistent. This means making journal entries a daily habit rather than an occasional hobby. Writing daily is a powerful way to do inner work. It can lead to insights and breakthroughs and help you process difficult emotions and situations.


Seasonal Affective Disorder.  

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. 

SAD is sometimes known as “winter depression” because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter. 

Some people with SAD may have symptoms during the summer and feel better during the winter. 

Symptoms of SAD 

Symptoms of SAD can include: 

  • a persistent low mood 
  • a loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities 
  • irritability 
  • feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness 
  • feeling lethargic (lacking in energy) and sleepy during the day 
  • sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning 
  • craving carbohydrates and gaining weight 
  • difficulty concentrating 
  • decreased sex drive 

For some people, these symptoms can be severe and have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities. 




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