A new focus

We have a tendency to focus on negative events rather than how we coped and what we can learn as a result. We are not who we are without what has happened to us although many people sit in blame and negativity instead. We are not fulfilled with sitting still and this book gives you easy options to get you started. We are meant to grow to be able to give, and we can’t give if you don’t have it ourselves.

Together we can see yourself through a different lens, different eyes and a different perspective. Anyone looking for more, for answers, for tools with a touch of neuroscience then I will be able to help you. I can help you become aware, accept and understand the patterns of thinking and behaviours we all get stuck with and are often unaware of.

It’s about having the courage and know how to reclaim who you really are and why we get so lost in being someone for another.

Doing the right thing can be painful although we get true love and fulfilment from doing that right thing. It is never easy taking a path of self discovery and development but when we are on the right path magical things happen.