Are you a good sleeper?

28 March 2012

If you lie there thinking that you can’t sleep, that’s right you won’t be able to as your unconscious mind will keep you awake, you will start to think about all the things that you need to do the next day, anything that is stressing you out, worries, how busy you are tomorrow and unhelpful thoughts.

The general pieces of advice around good sleep hygiene are getting into a good routine, not eating too late, avoiding alcohol, nicotine and caffeine near bedtime and watching TV late. The temperature of the rooms also needs to be correct and drinking herbal teas or a relaxing bath will get you into the right frame of mind. Many people know about these practices, although what you believe and think about your sleep is also key. How many people do you hear say “I am a poor sleeper” or “I can’t sleep”, or ”I always wake up at 3am and then can’t get back to sleep”. Whatever you tell yourself becomes your reality. Your self talk needs to be “ I can have a restful sleep”, or “I feel tired and am ready to sleep”, ”I feel safe and will have a full nights sleep”. You can programme yourself to wake up at a specific time by giving a clear message to your mind so make sure this is the time that you want.

If you lie there thinking that you can’t sleep, that’s right you won’t be able to as your unconscious mind will keep you awake, you will start to think about all the things that you need to do the next day, anything that is stressing you out, worries, how busy you are tomorrow and unhelpful thoughts. Notice the difference by changing your thoughts about how you are feeling prior to sleeping.
Here is a relaxation exercise to follow:

Focus on your breathing and only your breathing for 3 big breaths in. Now start with your ankles, put all your attention and focus into your ankles and what they feel like on your bed. Deeping your relaxation and comfort. Now put all your attention on the back of your lower legs and notice what they feel like on the bed. Now put all your attention on the back of your thighs and notice how you feel relaxed in the bed. Now put all your attention on your bottom and lower back and notice how much more comfortable and relaxed your body feels on the bed. If thoughts or worries come, say “thank you, though not now”? Now put all your attention on your back and shoulders and feel your comfort deepening into the bed. Now put all your attention onto your hands and arms, notice how they feel on the bed, only paying attention to your arms, fingers and relax them further onto the bed. Deeping your relaxation and comfort. Now put all your attention onto the back of your head, notice how comfortable you feel, pay attention to how the pillow is supporting your head and only pay attention to this. Now notice how relaxed your eyes feel and now focus again on your breathing and only your breathing. You will notice how relaxed, comfortable and safe you are feeling. Once you have practiced this, you will be sending a clear message to your mind that you want to sleep and a restful night you will have. Good luck.


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