Wait! Weight is NOT about Weight!


20 March 2017

Are you fed up of yo-yo dieting? Feel like you have tried everything? This may be a new approach to consider?

Weight Loss Takes Investment

To change your body shape to your ideal size takes investment – and that isn’t just mean financial. You need to be totally committed to doing things differently and prepared to do anything (almost) to achieve your goals. You also need to invest financially in a programme so there is some penalty for not following the process! In other words, investing will give you consequence of wasting your money! When you invest, your mind begins to focus on the task in hand knowing full well that if you don’t, the consequence is wasting your money

The industry

Let’s start off at looking at how big the problem is.

  • Diets have a 5 % success rate of losing AND maintaining the ideal weight.
  • 63% of all adults in the UK are overweight.

You will already know that the weight loss industry is MASSIVE and is built on the premise that it doesn’t work! One clear example of this is that Weight Watchers now offer a life time membership – surely if it worked then you would not need to be a member all your life!

You won’t need me to tell you that in 95% of cases going on a diet will NOT give you sustainable weight loss.

So what have we learned – the weight loss industry is a multi billion pound industry that in the majority of cases, does not work and is based on the hope of millions of people that there is a magic cure.



5% success rate of losing AND maintaining the ideal weight.


63% of all adults in the UK are overweight.

Diets Can Cost You £25000

The study, carried out by Engage Mutual – a financial services company – included 3,000 women and found that on average, they incurred costs each time they started a diet: The study found most women started three diets a year – giving a yearly spend of £485.25. And if this annual pattern is repeated from the age of 18 to 70 years, that adds up to £25,233 in a lifetime! Source- weightloss resources

Fad Diets Can Be Harmful?

“Fad diets can be harmful. They may lack essential nutrients, for example. Moreover, they teach you nothing about healthy eating. Thus, when you’ve “completed” your fad diet, you simply boomerang back to the unhealthy eating patterns that may have caused your weight gain in the first place! This is the beginning of “yo-yo dieting,” which can bring its own health problems in its wake.”

A different approach

Having worked in the field of NLP training, coaching and therapy for many years I knew early on that weight was not dependent on what you shovelled into your mouth. I remember, many years ago, coming across someone who was eating less than 1000 calories a day (and proved it!). She lost weight very quickly to start with and then put it back on!

For some time, when working with clients, there are relatively good results (about 75%) when working with the clients beliefs and values. Values define what is important to the individual and determine what they will spend time moving towards or away from so it seemed logical that this was a good place to start. As I said, I got pretty good results by working with values and negative emotions that seemed to be linked to the weight issue. However we knew there was something else that was missing. There has been much research on the unconscious patterns that were occurring in the minds of people who desired to change their weight.  They often have an issue with self belief, self worth, they often don’t believe they are good enough and in my experience, many examples of patterns and beliefs about the relationship with food and the relationship with other things and people.

Many people have an issue around not being able to leave food on your plate as a child.  When these deep rooted, internal problems are addressed and appear to be actually working on something entirely different that, all of a sudden, the client started to lose weight in a very controlled fashion and sustained it. So it becomes clear that weight issues are caused by a deeply unconscious ‘issue’ that when resolved caused the weight to drop off easily and for the client to easily maintain their ideal weight. The results that we, and they, get are outstanding.

The key to sustainable weight change

Discover what the real problem is – because weight is not the problem – it is the behaviour that is created by the problem. This problem will be outside your conscious awareness.

Believe in yourself so that what you put in your mouth is important

To establish a healthy relationship with food

Get excited and motivated about the healthy choices

Get excited and motivated about exercise

Set clear and realistic goals

Never Focus on Your Weight!

When people say they want to lose weight what they generally mean is that they want to improve the way they look – in other words their shape and tone. The thing is if you disappear down the gym and work out every day and then go back and weigh yourself, the likelihood is that you have PUT on weight because you have added muscle – and muscle is heavier than fat! You will probably be a smaller size and much more toned – but you will be heavier! So when starting any weight change programme my advice is to avoid the ones that focus on how much you weigh and go for the ones that are focussed on size and measurement reduction……because ultimately, that’s what you want!! Remember a professional rugby player, one of the fittest athletes on the planet will be classed as clinically obese on the BMI index – because they are all muscle!

The Results

The results of this process is that you will start to attain their ideal body shape in a sustainable and progressive way.  You will be motivated to eat healthily – not diet! You will be motivated to exercise and may well become passionate about your own fitness. Taking exercise will no longer be a chore – it will be exciting! You will see progressive results that you will maintain and you will feel REALLY good about yourselves.

The 3 Components of Weight Change



Sort out your mind


Be motivated and enjoy healthy food


Be motivated and enjoy exercise regularly

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