Relationship with money

Relationship with money

Welcome to the Mental Wealth podcast, where in this episode we’re delving into the intricate ties we share with money. Join us as we dig deep into our financial psyche and unravel the complexities of our monetary habits. We’re delighted to have the...
Having difficult conversations

Having difficult conversations

Having difficult conversations with team members seems to be a hot topic at the moment. Knowing when to have that conversation, how to tackle it and where to put the attention needs to be thought through. The first role of having difficult conversations is to manage...


Welcome to the Mental Wealth podcast. Join us as we uncover the traps of perfectionism and explore practical strategies to overcome its grip on your life. Our special guest, Carla Caswell, a renowned perfectionist coach from Australia, shares invaluable insights and...
Literal versus inferential

Literal versus inferential

We have people who have a greater tendency to be a literal speaker who, as hinted in the name, will speak literally and specifically about what they mean. ‘Please get me a glass of water’, is a literal request. Then on the opposite side of the scale, there is an...
Power of meditation

Power of meditation

This week on the Mental Wealth podcast, we welcome the amazing Claire Morton to discuss the profound impact of meditation and mindfulness. Claire Morton is a Global Holistic Life and Business Performance Strategist as well as a number one bestselling author. A...
Communicating skills

Communicating skills

This is an interesting topic, and when it is understood, it can help explain many challenges in our conversations, particularly within intimate relationships.  So often, arguments with partners can be far more heated than they need to be, and this is down to different...